Whaowhia te kete mātauranga | Fill the basket of knowledge

Please browse all of our online professional learning videos available to rent by clicking 'VIEW VIDEOS' at the top of this screen. You can also download a printout of all content (click Printable at the top of this screen). To view a video click 'Get Access'. You will be asked to create an account; this is so that each time you sign in you will be able to continue with a video where you left off, or re-watch if you choose to do so during the rental period. You can pause, rewind and go back and view as many times as you like during this time. Each time you come back to this site please ensure you 'sign in' to get access to your purchased content. If you don't see the topic you are after please get in touch so we can provide something for you. We are now offering memberships for only $15.00 per person per month. This gives you access to the full catalog of online workshops!

For all available content select 'videos' at the top of this screen

What teachers are saying

"Every time I come to anything that ELP has run I feel ready to tackle any problem and celebrate the learning that happens for children each day. Your workshops ground me, challenge me and inspire me"

"The facilitators have such a wealth of knowledge and expertise AND are practitioners. They work with families and children. So, they are truly the experts...they are amazing....(this) makes me want to support my teaching colleagues even more".

"Your generous sharing has given me confidence to keep going, to continue to strive to do more...you have come too far not to go further, you know too much not to know more"